Thursday, 10 March 2016


Dear Freya, 

Today you've been spending time with your Auntie Sophie for the first time since Christmas! Sophie has been my best friend for years and years (since we were 9 actually!) and I can't wait to see you have that sort of bond with someone when you're growing up. I think she must have worn you out because you're fast asleep in my arms right now so I thought I'd take some time to write about my first Mother's Day. 

Mother's Day has always been a special day for me, of course I love and appreciate my mum everyday but I like to make an extra big effort on Mothering Sunday. I remember Mother's Day last year like it was yesterday, we had only found out we were expecting you a few days before and your daddy came home with a multipack of Roast Beef Monster Munch because I was so sick it was all I could stomach. I still don't think he understands how much I appreciated that gift. It may not have been much price wise but it was something he knew I loved and also knew I'd appreciate at the time. 

This year you (with a little bit of help from your daddy) spoilt me rotten. I was given a new purse, a Great British Bake Off cook book and some Jimmy Choo perfume. I was upgraded to wife that day too, as daddy couldn't find a fiancée card. Once I'd opened my first present I had to wrap you in used wrapping paper to keep you occupied! Daddy also surprised me with Afternoon Tea for two and a Spa Day for two including a 25 minute treatment. I felt, and still feel, incredibly lucky. I am so blessed to have such an amazing fiancé who helps me raise and care for you every single day.

We had already planned a few days beforehand to take a day trip to Blackpool with your Nana and Grandad, all three aunties, Uncle Neil and Thomas. Before Sunday you had already been to the seaside once but, at only 3 weeks old, you had slept the whole way through and we were hoping this time you would be wide awake and taking everything in. 

How wrong we were, Freya! We set off at around 11am and cars always, without fail, send you to sleep within minutes. What we didn't realise is that constantly being pushed in the pram would also keep you asleep! You went a whole five and a half hours without a bottle which is unheard of for you, and only woke up for the last hour or so of our trip. 

I absolutely love the seaside, especially Blackpool. There's something about the freezing cold wind and the smell of chip shop chips that it carries that makes me so happy. If I could go to the seaside every day I totally would. 

I hope you grow up loving the seaside, Freya. I'm hoping that you'll get used to going to the beach whenever we visit Nanny and Grandad and I hope we'll take you to loads of seaside towns during the summer. 

Aside from a lovely day out at the beach, I spent Mothering Sunday just feeling grateful that I get to be your mama. I always knew I would love being a mum, it's the one thing I life I've always known I would do. There's been career dreams that have come and gone but being a mum and looking after my children is a dream that has never wavered or changed. Being your mum though, is much more special than I ever imagined and I'm loving every second of it.

Mother's Day will always be important to me and I am counting down the days to when I get that first hand made card from you that I will keep forever and ever. 

All my love, 

Mummy x

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